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Novell Error Librarian  |  1990-12-10  |  9KB  |  238 lines

  1. Novell Error Librarian Data File Version 1.00
  2. COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
  3. CreatePortal
  4. ComputePortalPosition
  5. LSeek
  6. PushList
  7. PopList
  8. AppendToList
  9. DisplayHeader
  10. AppendToMenu
  11. Malloc
  12. Write
  13. Close
  14. GetListHead
  15. GetListTail
  16. RestoreList
  17. SaveList
  18. AttachToFileServer
  19. GetFileServerInformation
  20. ReadPropertyValue
  21. WritePropertyValue
  22. Calloc
  23. CreateProperty
  24. DeleteProperty
  25. GetBinderyObjectName
  26. GetPortalInfo
  27. Creat
  28. EditPortalString
  29. GetTrusteePaths
  30. ConvertNameToFullPath
  31. ChangeMode
  32. ConvertNameToVolumePath
  33. ActivatePortal
  34. InitHelp
  35. DisplayTextInPortal
  36. InsertInList
  37. Remove
  38. Rename
  39. GetFileServerName
  40. AppendToNamedValueList
  41. CreateBinderyObject
  42. DeleteBinderyObject
  43. RenameBinderyObject
  44. Unlink
  45. ScanBinderyObject
  46. ScanProperty
  47. AddBinderyObjectToSet
  48. GetBinderyObjectID
  49. SetDrivePath
  50. GetDirectoryPath
  51. GetDriveStatus
  52. CreateDirectory
  53. AddTrusteeToDirectory
  54. DeleteBinderyObjectFromSet
  55. GetBinderyAccessLevel
  56. SetDirectoryHandle
  57. LoginToFileServer
  58. DeleteTrusteeFromDirectory
  59. DeleteAll
  60. DOSCreateDirectory
  61. GetVolumeName
  62. OpenP
  63. GetPrintQueueEntry
  64. ParsePath
  65. GetVolumeInfoWithHandle
  66. GetEffectiveDirectoryRights
  67. ScanDirectoryInformation
  68. ModifyMaximumRightsMask
  69. SetDirectoryInformation
  70. ScanDirectoryForTrustees
  71. ScanFileInformation
  72. SetFileInformation
  73. CheckFileHeader
  74. EraseFiles
  75. DeleteDirectory
  76. GetConnectionInformation
  77. DOSUnlink
  78. DOSOpen
  79. DOSCreate
  80. DOSRead
  81. DOSWrite
  82. DOSClose
  83. GetInternetAddress
  84. DOSLSeek
  85. DeallocateDirectoryHandle
  86. GetConnectionID
  87. SendBroadcastMessage
  88. FOpen
  89. FClose
  90. EditString
  91. OpenFileWithFCB
  92. CreateFileWithFCB
  93. CopyFileOnSameServer
  94. CloseFileWithFCB
  95. GetEnvironmentVariable
  96. AllocTemporaryDirectoryHandle
  97. PutEnvironmentVariable
  98. ChangeDirectory
  99. GetCurrentDirectory
  100. ChangeBinderyObjectPassword
  101. GetDriveServerNumber
  102. GetBroadcastMessage
  103. DisableBroadcasts
  104. EnableBroadcasts
  105. GetPersonalMessage
  106. SendPersonalMessage
  107. CloseMessagePipe
  108. OpenMessagePipe
  109. CheckPipeStatus
  110. BroadcastToConsole
  111. GetVolumeInfoWithNumber
  112. GetPrinterStatus
  113. GetPrinterDefaults
  114. QueueExistingFile
  115. AppendToCaptureFile
  116. QueueCaptureFile
  117. SetSpoolFlags
  118. SetFileDateAndTime
  119. DOSRename
  120. FileServerFileCopy
  121. FieldEdit
  122. RenameFile
  123. AppendToForm
  124. CreateQueue
  125. DestroyQueue
  126. CreateQueueJobAndFile
  127. ReadQueueCurrentStatus
  128. SetQueueCurrentStatus
  129. CloseFileAndStartQueueJob
  130. RemoveJobFromQueue
  131. GetQueueJobList
  132. ReadQueueJobEntry
  133. ChangeQueueJobEntry
  134. ChangeQueueJobPosition
  135. ReadQueueServerCurrentStatus
  136. AttachQueueServerToQueue
  137. DetachQueueServerFromQueue
  138. ServiceQueueJobAndOpenFile
  139. FinishServicingQueueJobAndFile
  140. AbortServicingQueueJobAndFile
  141. ChgServerRightsToClientRights
  142. RestoreQueueServerRights
  143. SetQueueServerCurrentStatus
  144. ChangePropertySecurity
  145. AppendPromptField
  146. InitMenuField
  147. AppendToMenuField
  148. AppendMenuField
  149. AppendIntField
  150. AppendBoolField
  151. AppendStringField
  152. AppendDateField
  153. AppendTimeField
  154. InitSimpleListField
  155. AppendToListField
  156. AppendListField
  157. ScanFileInfo
  158. SetFileInfo
  159. OpenBindery
  160. CloseBindery
  161. SortFile
  162. GetDosCountryInfo
  163. DOSDuplicateHandle
  164. DOSRemoveDirectory
  165. TTSBeginTransaction
  166. TTSEndTransaction
  167. TTSTransactionStatus
  168. TTSAbortTransaction
  169. GetExtendedFileAttributes
  170. SetExtendedFileAttributes
  171. CheckNetWareVersion
  172. RebuildFileHandleTable
  173. RestoreFileHandleTable
  174. AppendLongField
  175. GetDriveInformation
  176. va_Special_end
  177. ASCIIZToLenStr
  178. GetBinderyObjectsDiskSpaceLeft
  179. GetConnectionsOpenFiles
  180. GetConnectionsSemaphores
  181. GetConnectionsTaskInformation
  182. GetConnectionsUsageStats
  183. GetConnectionsUsingFile
  184. GetCurrentAccountStatus
  185. GetDiskCacheStats
  186. GetDiskChannelStats
  187. GetDriveMappingTable
  188. GetFileServerLANIOStats
  189. GetFileServerMiscInformation
  190. GetFileSystemStats
  191. GetLogicalRecordInformation
  192. GetLogicalRecordsByConnection
  193. GetPhysicalDiskStats
  194. GetPhysicalRecordLocksByFile
  195. GetPhysRecLockByConnectAndFile
  196. GetSemaphoreInformation
  197. LenToASCIIStr
  198. SubmitAccountCharge
  199. SubmitAccountHold
  200. SubmitAccountNote
  201. TTSGetStats
  202. AllocNITBuffer
  203. FreeNITBuffer
  204. GetDefaultCaptureFlags
  205. GetLANDriverConfigInfo
  206. GetNetWareShellVersion
  207. GetQueueJobEntrysFileSize
  208. GetSpecificCaptureFlags
  209. LenStrCat
  210. LenStrCmp
  211. LenStrCpy
  212. RestoreDirectoryHandle
  213. SaveDirectoryHandle
  214. SetDefaultCaptureFlags
  215. SetSearchDrivePath
  216. SetSpecificCaptureFlags
  217. VerifyBinderyObjectPassword
  218. AFPAllocTemporaryDirHandle
  219. AFPCreateDirectory
  220. AFPCreateFile
  221. AFPDelete
  222. AFPGetEntryIDFromName
  223. AFPGetEntryIDFromFileHandle
  224. AFPGetEntryIDFromPathName
  225. AFPGetFileInformation
  226. AFPDirectoryEntry
  227. AFPOpenFileFork
  228. AFPRename
  229. AFPScanFileInformation
  230. GetFileServerDescriptionStrings
  231. AFPSetFileInformation
  232. AFPSupported
  233. NetWareHandleServerFileCopy
  234. GetPathFromDirectoryEntry
  235. SendConsoleBroadcast
  236. fgets
  237. DisplayFooter